Tree Well Care and Trees
“Plant health treatment, also known as PHC provides a completely holistic approach to landscaping and the overall health of your plants,” says Tchukki Andersen, BCMA, CTSP* and staff arborist at the Tree Care Industry Association. “Your arborist will keep an eye on your property for signs of problems or potential issues in your landscape that can be better avoided or solved through adopting the PHC treatments program.”
Traditional pest control programs for landscapes depend heavily on “cover sprays.” The choice of the spray used for the cover is typically determined by the company’s understanding of pests that are common and the appropriate control methods within the service area. We also work with a local tree service Lansing company if you are in the Michigan area please give them a call.
The type of cover spray, the technique, and the time of application are determined by the business. Traditional pest-control programs aren’t necessarily outdated and are not “bad” environmentally. They could be the ideal choice for those who have a lot of worries about the cost of programs or who are concerned only about a specific pest issue.
Contrary to this the plant health professionals look at the entire landscape in determining the best way to take care of plants. PHC technicians tackle plant issues by monitoring the surrounding landscape throughout all of the year.
Chemical controls could be part of the treatment plan however they aren’t likely to be employed in all treatments. As a result, each PHC program is tailored to meet the needs of the client and requirements.
The PHC technician manages the maintenance of plants using:
Monitoring the landscape and investigating its ecology through monitoring
identifying the root factors that cause stress on plants(stressors) ensuring plant performance by implementing culture-based practices.
The process of identifying and treating problems when they develop
Here are a few an example of a few common problems:
Incorrectly matched plant needs with the requirements of the landscape site;
Unproperly planted, an excessive amount of destructive insect pests or diseases.
Infected with improper maintenance practices.
A mixture of three or two of the three above.
Your expectations
“A PHC technician also will take into consideration your needs when deciding on the best way to carry out a PHC treatment plan,” explains Andersen. The most important thing to consider is when would you, the customer, prefer to use chemical solutions to get rid of pest issues? Certain clients can tolerate more of the damage to plants before they require action, while other clients accept very little damage to plants.
A lot of times, clients will take lesser damage to an ornamental specimen tree that is located on the property’s front, in contrast to a cluster of shade trees that are growing on the property’s backyard. This is a requirement for that the PHC technician to establish an action threshold that is higher to certain trees and/or parts in the garden than others. “Here the communicating and understanding among the customer and the plant health technician are essential!” says Andersen.
Treatment recommendations are then presented to the client according to the expectations of the client. The most important aspect of a successful PHC program is communication between the patient with PHC technician. PHC technician.
What can you do?
An experienced arborist will assess your landscaping and assist you to identify the most appropriate maintenance of your tree. Call for more information about the Tree Care Industry Association, an open and professional source for arboriculture and trees since 1938.
TCIA is home to more than 2,300 member tree care companies and associated companies that adhere to the highest standards of safety and quality and who are required to have liability insurance. TCIA is also the country’s only accreditation program that assists consumers to locate tree care businesses that have been examined and accredited on the basis of conformance to industry standards for quality and safety, maintaining professional, trained employees; and commitment to ethical and high-quality business procedures.
An easy method to find the tree care services provided within your local area is to make use of the “Locate Your Local TCIA Member Companies” program. We work with a local Richmond tree service company if you are looking for tree trimming, tree removal, and more contact them.